What are you doing with the thousands of photos and videos you take of your family throughout the year? Send it all my way and I’ll create a modern home movie for your family to watch time and time again!

This isn’t another digitizing service, or a 60-second slideshow that your phone can make and post on social media.

This is a long-form movie that you and your family can enjoy on your television at home!

create your own favorite movie

the modern home movie

the modern home movie

Home movies and photo albums used to be everywhere! Over time it became easier to rely on the computer in your pocket to snap a funny face or treasured moment. But then what? Now you can actually share those memories with your family! With a modern home movie, hours of mindless screen time can be replaced with your favorite personalized movie, whether that’s your baby’s first year, a family trip, a year in review or more!

free the memories from your cameral roll

iphone camera roll family vacation

turn this


into this!


Hi! I’m Jenna, a mom of two with a dusty old film degree and a love for creating those fuzzy feelings. What started out as pure laziness of never getting around to printing photos, has grown into my favorite thing to do! I now have the first 5 years of my kids lives in home movies! I pride myself on the many happy tears fallen during our viewings.

making memories

making memories

My kids will remember my grandmothers

My kids know who they are - they’re watching their own personalities form

My kids remember family members names/houses/things we did

Photos/videos of familiar faces don’t count as screen time!

why I really do it

lifelong magic

lifelong magic

let’s make magic

Ready to put your camera roll to good use? Fill out the form and someone will be in contact soon.